MOTHER NATURE DECIDED THAT A HUMAN BRAIN is wide-open since right before teen years. Scientists deduced that it is during that stage when skills, aptitudes, and abilities that Mother Nature built in each human have the best chance to evolve and develop. It is then unlikely that when something is not working in High School is because Mother Nature made a mistake.
» will it be possible that teenagers in high school fail to learn
because mother nature deprived them of intelligence to learn?
» will it be possible that teenagers in high school fail to learn
because teachers fail to execute 'the teaching-learning process?'
Therefore, scientists recognize that how correctly ~or how badly~ High School Teachers implement 'The Teaching-Learning Process' creates an outcome straightforwardly affecting teenagers' Present & Future. It is clear why Sociologists advocate that teenagers will be detrimentally affected today and tomorrow as High School Teachers remain collapsing in failure executing 'The Teaching-Learning Process.'
We parents have inescapable obligation to become conscious that our teenagers may not be in the best position to speak up when they confront what they likely perceive as intimidating establishment of adults. Unlikely, adults admit their wrong-doings. Likely, adults point at teenagers with an accusing finger making them feel guilty: "You fail to learn!"
parents are first in line showing concern for their
teenagers' success in life. they are also first in line
showing them examples of what is proper and correct.
it proficiently provides young minds an enlightening path
to follow and to imitate as they roll into adulthood.