fountain of wisdom • enlightment

Correcting His Mistakes

By George Josserme

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• article synopsis •

This article puts a smile
on the face of those few people out there who go through life with integrity displaying morality and holding on to beliefs of those who live life
walking tall.

"What can be given to a man who is healthy, out of debt, and has a clear conscience acting on God's Word?"

-- Adam Smith

A key figure during the
Scottish Enlightenment.

Scottish • 1723 - 1790

MICHIGAN - USA - 1920 - That place and year saw a man giving mankind something meaningful and beneficial that changed people's lives in cities and towns. He painstakingly designed, well thought-out, and carefully refined a set of lights still today known today as Traffic Lights. He included with his creation a set of 'Rules of Traffic' for drivers and pedestrians to obey.

His Traffic Lights were so well designed, details were so carefully refined, and the set of 'Rules of Traffic' were so well thought-out that his Traffic Lights and 'Rules of Traffic' were adopted world-wide with neither changes, modifications, nor customizations to what that man in Michigan created.

However, what if with the passing of time we impose our own preferences and decide that...

» drivers who are in a hurry do not have to wait for traffic lights on red to turn green.

» drivers decide how many pedestrians may go across a crosswalk before they accelerate.

» drivers may choose which 'rules of traffic' they want to obey and which ones to disregard.

» pedestrians may cross streets between intersections to avoid waiting for pedestrian lights.

Will it be possible that changing, customizing, ignoring, or imposing our preferences and conveniences to 'Rules of Traffic' results in people getting badly hurt and their lives may end? Yes, it is not only possible but likely that awful consequences occur if we choose to take such actions to otherwise flawless rules.


Like 'Rules of Traffic,' God created a 'Set of Values, Principles, and Human Qualities' so painstakingly designed, so carefully refined, and so well thought-out that none of them require corrections. However, what if we humans conceive that what God created is not flawless and His Mistakes must be corrected? Should we humans choose to do so, will it be possible that we confront dreadful consequences and pay a frightful, horrifying price such as wars, holocausts, murders, gruelling poverty all over the world, cancers, viruses, distrust, disloyalty, infidelity, depression, pessimism, sorrow, sadness, gloominess?

Yes! Most definitely! We humans have confronted dreadful consequences for one reason: we chose to correct His 'Set of Values, Principles, and Human Qualities.' We humans will continue paying a frightful and horrifying price for the same reason.

related article » Disputing His Decisions

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