fountain of wisdom • wiser cooking

Why French Women Are Not Fat

By George Josserme

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• article synopsis •

An article to make a reader aware that French women are not fat because of what they do and because of what they do not do day after day, year after year, through-out their lives.

In other words...

French women are not fat because they deserve it.

"One of French women's secrets is that they do not eat any food that comes wrapped up
in plastic."

-- Chef Todd Mohr

French-Trained Chef


STILL IN THE XXI CENTURY, people around the world wonder why is it that French women are not fat and look gorgeous displaying desirable, attractive, feminine bodies. Since 'day one' in their lives, French women are on the side of Mother Nature in every way they can think of.

» Since the jubilant Renaissance in the 1,500s, French people perfected a combination of fresh, seasonal ingredients, precise quantity of each, and how to cook them. As centuries went by, they developed 'formulas' rather than 'recipes' which ~if repeated as prescribed~ their meals always come out heavenly delicious every time.

» They use health-enhancing cooking practices such as steaming vegetables and fish. Commonly, they steam them with Beef Broth rather than water. Frying, boiling, or microwaving is not considered.

» They drink 6 to 8 ounces of red wine with a meal except breakfast. Often, a meal is followed by slices of baguettes, cheese, and white wine.

» Most of their 'formulas' contain a nutrient critical in more ways than one: Fiber. Click the title to read the article 'Benefits of Fiber - Are They Real?'

» They do not conceive certain foods forbidden ~such as pastries, creamy sauces, and cheeses~ as long as they are consumed in moderation.

» Their meals consist of five or six bites. They take time to savor each one. They eat in a serene and quite environment. They moderately converse with others at the table. The science of Human Nutrition cannot find evidence, but not rushing through a meal, a peaceful environment, and avoid talking makes the body beneficially assimilate nutrients in the food.

» French Women consider presentation of food of great importance. They do not slap food on a plate and... "Here. Eat this."

» French Women dedicate one day a month to eat only apples. Some of them may add a handful of nuts.

» French Women neither enroll in gyms nor they run. It is because they know that Free Radicals accelerate the Aging Process. Expected of wiser people, they have an active lifestyle instead.

» French Women neither eat foods wrapped up in plastic nor foods lacking nutrients nor eat big meals or eat in a rush or in a noisy environment or during a conversation or run outdoors or at the gym wearing out joints filling their bodies with Free Radicals which Scientists insist they accelerate the Aging Process.

French People is proud of their centuries-old culinary know-how where ‘joie de manger
~or joy of eating~ is a foundation all French People rests on for centuries. Flavor is of upper-
most importance and a non-negotiable part of every bite and every sip. With certainty, all of it
is part of their deeply embedded 'savoir vivre' or know how to live.

The knowledge you just gained ~and the one you may gain if you read Recommended Reading below~ lets you construe further why French Women are not fat. Yes, they look gorgeous displaying desirable and attractive feminine bodies; but not because of a diet printed with ink on paper.

recommended reading » French Mediterranean Diet Rises To The Top

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