fountain of wisdom • health

Benefits of Fiber - Are they Real?

By George Josserme

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• article synopsis •

Although it sounds harsh, most people deserve to be struck by an illness. Why?
They ask for it.

This article is aimed at those who want to live longer and in health.

"Benefits of fiber start in the gastro-intestinal tract where fiber vastly reduces cholesterol, fat, and chemicals."

• Nutrition Committee •
American Heart Association

HOW MANY PEOPLE KNOW benefits of fiber? Only a few. It is because ~when they are young~ they pressume that they will feast on an eternal healthy existence. Life goes on and they bungle on something crucial to longevity: to learn; and hence, they disregard scientists who insist that fiber is proficient preventive health care if we consume around one ounce of fiber most days of each week.

insoluble fiber - It is not digested and absorbs water becoming bulky. Then, it rolls down our intestines ~and those of our pets~ just like a ball. As it does, it pushes feaces and also dislodges feaces that stick to inside walls of intestines. In the process, cholesterol, carcinogens, toxins, chemicals from unhealthy foods, and loose cancer cells stick to that ball until all the bad stuff leaves our bodies.

soluble fiber - Two of the most valuable jobs of this fiber are as follows:
1.- It makes food to digest slowly preventing the Pancreas to work like a maniac producing 'Insulin' to counteract a spike of sugar; and when a Pancreas is not overworked, the development of Diabetes Type 2 is meaningfully reduced.
2.- Since food stays longer in our stomachs, we do not feel to eat again until much later. Realistically, it is how we loose weight!

American Heart Association ~and counterparts in Canada and Europe~ insist that fiber reduces the risks of heart disease, improves metabolism, does away with constipation, and lowers high blood pressure. Furthermore, fiber facilitates the intestinal barrier to remain intact. Scientists recognize that the condition of the intestinal barrier is an integral regulator of health.

Let's comprehend that the benefits of fiber are proportional to how many times a week we consume the recommended one ounce or more of fiber. These vegetables are armed with nutrients in addition to fiber: Spinach - Broccoli - Collard Greens - Carrots - Beans - Cauliflower - Artichokes - Brussel Sprouts - Sweet Potatoes - Beets - Kale.

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