fountain of wisdom • health

Benefits of MSM - A Mastermind Creation

By George Josserme

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• article synopsis •

Although it sounds harsh, most people deserve to be struck by an illness. Why? They go through decades of their lives asking for it.

Well... if they ask for it...

MSM is for wise people who seek to live lengthy and healthy life.

"The list of MSM benefits is so phenomenal that
it may be absurd
to attempt to
enunciate all
the benefits
in that list."

Excerpt from the book 'Prescription For
Nutritional Healing'

TWO SERIOUS HUMAN MISTAKES are as follows: 1.- To go through life consuming foods lacking nutrients and expect illnesses or health conditions to not develop. 2.- To take supplements to cure illnesses or health conditions. It is like driving a car at a high rate of speed and expect to not have an accident, but if it happens, rush to a hospital aboard an ambulance expecting a doctor to bring their bleeding and damaged body back to the way it was before the accident.

No! Mother Nature provides nutrients all intended to give us ~and our pets~ a healthier and longer life. Nutrients are neither medications nor prescription drugs intended by Mother Nature to cure illnesses or health conditions that develop in the lives of those who consume foods lacking nutrients.

The following is a minute list that represents a few of the great many benefits
that those who consume foods with MSM since early in life should expect:

» MSM is a part of Collagen Synthesis. Literally, MSM knits together cells in joints, ligaments, connective tissues. As expected, those areas become strong and flexible as opposed to weak and stiff.

» MSM was used to relieve horses' muscle-pain after a race. It was so until scientists realized that MSM kills pains in humans as well, but without damaging side effects of man-made pain relievers.

» MSM is a component of Insulin which is secreted by the Pancreas. Low level or lack of MSM promotes low Insulin production which is a barn door to Diabetes Type 2. However, when MSM exists healthfully in our body for extensive periods of time, the Pancreas produces Insulin without overworking.

» When MSM circulates through blood stream in healthful quantities, cells' membranes become flexible; and two conditions of immense importance take place. 1.- Water flows in and out washing away invasive compounds. 2. Nutrients from healthy foods enter cells. Opposingly, a blood stream with no MSM ~or a meager quantity of it~ renders cells' walls stiff hindering the flow of water and nutrients.

The book titled prescription for nutritional healing describes MSM as follows: "MSM disinfects the blood; helps tissues combat bacteria; protects cells' protoplasm and makes their membrane flexible; aids to prevent cell oxidation; protects cells against toxic substances; stimulates secretion of bile; slows the Aging Process by shielding us from harmful effects of radiation and pollution."

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