fountain of wisdom • visiting france & paris

Starting Point: Île de Saint Louis

By George Josserme

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• article synopsis •

There is more about
Île de Saint Louis, but I gave you highlights and pieces of information that
I consider needed before arriving to this Parisienne Jewel.

You will discover much more once you get there.

"They say that when good people die,
they go to Paris."

-- Oscar Wilde

Poet and writer.

Irish • 1854 - 1900

WHEN VISITING PARIS, travellers overlook a 24-carat parisienne place mandatory to visit upon arrival: Île de Saint Louis. She is a jewel village frozen in the 17th. century that was placed by hand in the pumping heart of Paris. Admittedly, Île de Saint Louis is not a place for everyone; but you will reverence this place if...

» You adore the feeling of a small town.

» You perceive beauty in a historic environment.

» You want to live and to experience the life locals live.

» You want French Cuisine in a romantic milieu or setting.

Like London, Paris also has a river that flows across her. It is the Seine River. That river has two islands. Île de Saint Louis is one of them. She is cobble-stoned, her size is 27 acres, she is connected to Paris by four bridges. In this enchanting island, one can find buildings of high architectural value, places to eat fine cuisine, small boutiques, and even enjoy a most delicious ice cream called Bertillon. Île de Saint Louis is utterly cozy and deserves to be the starting point each time you visit Paris.

For centuries, there is something well-embedded in the mind of French people. To them, it is not just to be alive, but 'to know how to live.' They call it 'Savoir Vivre.' Life in this island is about 'Savoir Vivre.'

There is a gathering of places that offer what they prepare in their kitchens. You will find below highlights of few of them ~with sensible prices considering that you are in Paris~ to others which are the opposite. They all have something in common: Fine French Cuisine.

» Le Bossu - 17 Rue des Deux Ponts - You will be warmly welcomed, and you will eat delicious meals for sensible prices considering that you are in Île de Saint Louis. In my opinion, Le Bossu offers the best balance between fine cuisine and price. Average price of a meal is US$35.00

» Le Flore en Île - 42 Quai d’Orléans - Their menu offers a large variety of meals including vegetarian. You enjoy fine cuisine in a calm and warm ambiance. Average price of a meal is US$45.00

» Alliance - 5 Rue de Poissy - This is an awarded restaurant that will delight you beyond imagination. It also has an average price per meal that challenges your imagination: US$120.00

» La Crêperie du Cloître - Rue du Cloître - This Crêperie is where you enjoy true, genuine French Crêpes. During summer, you can enjoy them in the terrace. If you are into walking, then, Rue Saint Louis lets you walk cross her from east to west feasting your eyes and enchanting your whimsies in the process. This Crêperie is the place to rest for a while enjoying something pleasant for about US$10.00 to US$15.00

I emphatically recommend to not ignore two prominent issues: 1.- Do not show up anywhere with bulky paraphernalia that some tourists are prone to carry. 2.- French people considers loudness disrespectful, distasteful, and irritating. Loudness is primary reason why Americans are not perceived as fine people.

There is much more to elaborate on Île de Saint Louis. I provided you basic knowledge that I perceive as valuable before arriving to this Parisienne Jewel. I let you discover the rest. Bon Voyage!

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