fountain of wisdom • health

There Is More To Magnesium

By George Josserme

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• article synopsis •

Most people deserve to be struck by an illness. Why? They ask for it!

This article is aimed at those who want to live longer and in health.

"Magtein, OptiMSM from Bergstrom Nutrition USA,
and Ubiquinol from Kaneka of Japan are all patented-forms and premium choices to those who seek health span and they are serious about it."

Statement found in an article published in an European publication.

TO DIFFERENT EXTENTS, PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT MAGNESIUM, but few realize that Magnesium is yet another magnificent creation of Mother Nature that fulfills a long list of healthy benefits all of which are of immense preponderance for us ~and our pets~ to live long, healthy lives.

Since 2010, there is a new kid in the block flagging a patented-form: 'Magnesium L-Threonate MAGTEIN.' During initial tests, scientists realized that the new kid is the only Magnesium that freely goes across the brain barrier reaching brain cells and neurons raising Magnesium in all of them.

Recently, I learned about a 'Clinical Memory Test' performed in a Chinese hospital. The Chinese scientists decided to use what had called their attention: 'MAGTEIN.' Their test involved several hundreds of people aged 28 to 65 with a solid state of health. The results of their research led them to conclude that older participants showed more mental improvement when compared to younger participants. Moreover, their results demonstrate that 'MAGTEIN' significantly improved memory and cognition in older adults.

Moving forward, in a publication of the journal 'Neuron,' I learned that scientists from the 'Massachusetts Institute of Technology' [a.k.a. MIT] described a compound called 'Magnesium L-Threonate MAGTEIN.' They confirm that MAGTEIN crosses the brain barrier, that MAGTEIN reaches brain cells and neurons which absorb it very well, and that brain cells and neurons also retain MAGTEIN well.

important to know > Scientists are aware that the combined effects of certain nutrients have a greater impact on our health as opposed to each nutrient working individually. Although still inconclusive, it is suspected that Magnesium and vitamin K2 ~when taken together~ may reduce the risk of bone fractures in people with osteoporosis as well as menopausal women. Moreover, a vitally important nutrient such as Vitamin D is activated and metabolized when taken together with Magnesium.

There is something of importance to be addressed. Some compounds have a patented-form. What that means is that a laboratory created enriched form of a compound or nutrient. In the case of Magnesium L-Threonate, a laboratory has a patent on Magnesium L-Threonate they named 'MAGTEIN.' The opposite to patent-form are nutrients from China or countries that export what their unscrupulous chemists produce.

recommended reading » Benefits of MSM - Another Mastermind Creation

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