fountain of wisdom • health

Enigmas Of Fish Oil Few People Know

By George Josserme

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• article synopsis •

Although it sounds harsh, most people deserve to be struck by an illness. Why? They spend decades of
their lives asking for it.

This article is intended
for those who want two
priceless Gold Nuggets:
Live Long - Live Healthy

"Research shows Omega 3 reduces
risk of Arrhythmias likely leading to
Sudden Death."

• Nutrition Committee •
American Heart Association

OMEGA 3 IS ABOUNDENTLY FOUND IN SOME FISH. It is known as DHA & EPA. Omega 6 is found in Flax Seeds and known as ALA. It is not significant the number of people aware that DHA & EPA provide ~by comparison~ more health benefits than ALA from Flax Seeds.

American & Canadian Heart Association, American Eye Institute, Alzheimer's Foundation, European Food Safety Authority ~to mention some institutions~ insist on consuming the family of fatty acids known as Omegas. Those organizations insist that to reap the benefits of Omega 3 people should consume trout, mackerel, some tunas, herring, sardines, or salmon twice weekly.

• There Is Misleading Information •

Firstly, benefits of consuming an amount of Omega 3 recommended by those organizations twice weekly may apply to young people. As life progresses, people must consume a higher amount of Omega 3 and more often than twice a week.

Secondly, capsules offered as '1,000 mg' contain '1,000 mg' of Fish Oil but only 300 to 380 mg of Omegas DHA & EPA which is good for a 30 to 50 pounds dog. A full grown adult requires much more than that. For instance, men in their 20s should consume 3.5 ounces of Mackerel ~which carries a whopping 3,000 mg. of Omegas DHA & EPA~ twice a week. Once in their 30s, they should consume the same 3,300 mg. about three times a week. Once in their 40s ~and beyond~ they should consume 3,300 mg. four times a week.

• Those Who Did What Is Right •

Humans who made a French Mediterranean Diet part of their lives since childhood developed a high state of health. The same applies to Eskimos in the State of Alaska in the U.S.A. and Japanese people. All three groups significantly reduced the risks of stroke caused by plaque buildup, blood clots, and the deadly Arrhythmias for the same reason scientists tell us that patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis greatly benefit from Omegas DHA & EPA.

The mastermind behind Mother Nature is generous providing us
such a marvel of creation; but we must consume it in enough
quantities, often enough, and for long enough.

more wisdom » Benefits of MSM - Another Mastermind Creation

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