fountain of wisdom • health

Cruciferous & DIM - Two Ways For Men To Go

By George Josserme

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• article synopsis •

This article intends to make men aware of how much they can do for their prostate before it is too late to go back in time to do something about it.

"God gave us a healthy body.
It is up to us
to make it last by
keeping it healthy."

-- Voltaire

Enlightenment Writer -- Philosopher -- Pioneer
of Social Liberties

French • 1694 - 1778

DURING THEIR RESEARCH, scientists were jolted to learn that un-metabolized Estrogen is what accumulates in men's prostate as men age. Such a buildup creates an increased production of 'Prostate Specific Antigen' or PSA. Blood tests reveal PSA, and so, PSA allows medical personnel to estimate the severity of prostate enlargement or how close a prostate may be to develop cancer.

Therefore, scientists realization is that it is not age but Estrogen the one causing a man's prostate gland to increase production of 'Prostate Specific Antigen.' Good news is that those scientists determined that PSA is inhibited by 'Good Estrogen Metabolites.' Those metabolites are produced by 'Diindolylmethane' or DIM which derives out of 'Indole 3-Carbinol' or I3C. Cruciferous such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, collards, brussel sprouts, kale, mustard greens, radish, watercress, and turnips are realistic source of I3C.

side note: another team of scientists arrived to the conclusion that I3C plays a role in preventing a variety of cancers including Colorectal Cancer, and also, that I3C helps remove toxins from the retina reducing the risk for age-related macular degeneration.

Scientists reiterate that I3C is what forces Estrogen to metabolize; and when it happens, two good things follow: 1.- Un-metabolized Estrogen drops significantly. 2.- Testosterone becomes free to actively do its miraculous job throughout a man's body.

Clearly, men have two ways to go: 1.- To feed their prostates and every organ in their bodies consuming cruciferous vegetables starting early in life. 2.- Later in life, men should consider supplementing with DIM.

"Both ways conduce to a healthy prostate and a significantly reduced
risk of prostate cancer
" scientists state at the end of their white paper.

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