fountain of wisdom • wiser cooking

Discover Herbs' Health Benefits

By George Josserme

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• article synopsis •

Mother Nature created foods loaded with nutrients for our body ~and those of our pets~ to enjoy long and healthy lives.

French people discovered that herbs are one of them.

"Why should a man die when herbs grow in his garden."

Popular French Saying

WHEN IT COMES TO COOKING, French people started to acquire knowledge in the 1500s during the Renaissance. In those days, French became conscious that combining certain vegetables with certain foods ~and cook them in a certain way~ creates sublimely meals. In other words, the French developed precise 'formulas' rather than 'recipes.'

The Mastermind behind Mother Nature created those vegetables and foods. His intent was for our body ~and that of our pets~ to live long and healthy. Since Renaissance days, French people became aware that herbs not only enhance taste in a meal, but they provide meaningful health benefits when used often. It is why French people say... "Why should a man die when herbs grow in his garden?"

French Gourmet Cooks insist that it is good practice to add certain herbs to a meal when they are dried. They are... Oregano, Thyme, Marjoram, Rosemary, Fennel Seed, and Bay Leaf. It is vital to know that dried herbs must be allowed to dry naturally as opposed to heat them up to dry them faster which is known as irradiating herbs. Select a reputable Seller and ask about irradiation. Other herbs do better when they are added fresh to a meal, those cooks point out.

Either dried or fresh, do not be shy adding herbs. A tiny amount will not give you what herbs can give you. One good cooking practice is to add herbs approaching the end of cooking a meal to prevent exposing herbs to high heat for too long. A topic to mention: a meal with a healthy quantity of herbs will increase your body's temperature. It is even more so if you accompany your meal with a glass of red wine.

To Your Health!

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